On Saturday, February 10, 2018 at 10:15 A.M., Quincy Democrats will be caucusing at Quincy High School. Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions about our caucus:
- Who can attend? Anyone. It’s open to the public.
- What is a “caucus”? A meeting to elect delegates, who will attend a convention to be held later.
- What is the purpose of the Quincy Democratic caucus on February 10, 2018? To elect delegates who will represent each of Quincy’s wards at the statewide convention of Massachusetts Democrats on June 1 & 2, 2018 in Worcester.
- What is going to happen at the 2018 State Democratic Convention? Delegates to the 2018 Convention will be part of a historic year, one in which we will vote to determine which statewide candidates will be on the Democratic ticket in the 2018 Primary Election in September. This year is an important one as we will choose nominees for governor as well as all our Constitutional officers.
- Who can vote at the February 10, 2018 Quincy caucus? Any registered Democrat living in Quincy.
- Who can run as a delegate for the June 2018 state convention? Any registered Democrat living in Quincy, provided you have not “publicly supported and/or endorsed any candidate whose announced intention was/is to oppose a nominee of the Democratic Party” in the current or a recent partisan election (see below for more detail).
- If I’m not registered to vote, can I participate? You can register to vote, and enroll as a Democrat, at the caucus. You can then vote and run for as a delegate.
- What if I’m registered to vote, but not as a Democrat? A voter can enroll as a Democrat at the caucus. You can then vote and run for as a delegate.
- Can seventeen-year-olds participate? A pre-registered Democrat who resides in a Quincy ward and will be 18 on or before September 18, 2018 can take part in the caucus, run for delegate or alternate, and vote for delegate or alternate.
- Do I need to be active in Democratic politics to vote or run as a delegate? No. We know there are a lot of voters who are energized and want to become involved. We encourage your participation! Please come!
- Do I need to be a member of my Democratic Ward Committee or the Quincy Democratic City Committee to participate? No.
- Do I need to be present at Quincy’s February caucus to be elected as a Quincy delegate to the June 2018 state convention? Yes. The only exception is for persons serving in U.S. Armed Forces, who must advise their Ward Chair by February 1, 2018 of their desire for consideration.
- If I can’t make the Quincy caucus, can I still be a delegate to the state convention? Possibly. If you qualify as: 1) a disabled person (including hearing aid users), 2) a minority person, 3) are between the ages of 18 & 35 on September 18, 2018 (which the state defines as “youth”!), or 4) are an LGBQT+ person, you may apply to the State Committee and request to be an ADD-ON CANDIDATE. Apply here. See the massdems.org website for deadlines and more information.
- I attended the Quincy caucus but didn’t run for election as a delegate/alternate, or I ran and lost. Can I still be a delegate to the state convention? See answer to last question. For minority and youth ADD-ON DELEGATES, priority is given to individuals who attended the caucus.
- I’m not sure if I can attend the state convention on June 1-2, 2018. Should I still run for office as a delegate/alternate? We respectfully request that you accept nomination only if you are sure you can attend the state convention.
- How much does it cost to attend the Quincy caucus? Nothing. It’s Free!
- How much does it cost to attend the state convention in June? The fee is $75.00 for delegates and alternates and $50.00 for senior/student/disabled delegates. Please pay by April 20, 2018 to avoid the $25.00 late charge. Fee waivers are available.
- Is the Quincy High School handicapped accessible? Yes.
- How’s the parking? There’s plenty of free parking in the school lot and on-street.
- Can I get to Quincy High on the MBTA? Yes, the Quincy Center Red line stop is within walking distance, and it’s also on the bus line.
March 2017 Quincy Democratic caucus
What should I expect when I show up at the caucus?
First, your eligibility to vote will be verified.
Then, you should join in on your ward’s meeting. Each of Quincy’s six wards caucus separately. Don’t worry if you don’t know you ward. We can look it up.
At the designated time, the chair of your Democratic Ward Committee will convene and run the election for that ward. Each ward can elect 4 male delegates, 4 female delegates, and 4 alternate delegates. In addition, Wards 1 and 4 can elect one additional delegate of either gender. There will be separate votes for each category. More particularly, the rules state that elections should be conducted as follows:
- Nominations are done verbally: the Chair recognizes participants to make nominations.
- Names of all nominees must be posted prior to the vote.
- Once everyone wishing to nominate someone in a particular category has been heard, the nominations for that category will be closed.
- Once nominations have closed, nominees have the right to a two minute speech in support of their candidacy.
- In the event there are the same number, or fewer, nominees than there are available positions/seats, the Chair may declare those nominated to have been elected without a paper ballot.
- In the event that there are more nominees than seats, once the nominee speaking has concluded, the Caucus will proceed to an immediate ballot for that category only. Voting shall be by written and secret ballot.
- Election is by a plurality of those present and voting; those candidates receiving the greatest number of votes on the first ballot will be elected. A runoff will be conducted in the event of a tie.
- Thereafter an election will be held on the next category of delegates.
- The election for Alternate delegate must be conducted last; anyone who runs for Delegate and does not win may run for Alternate (one does not have to run for delegate to run for alternate.)
- All elected delegates must complete their certification forms before leaving.
The complete set of rules for running the caucus
is available on PDF here.
The official announcement about the Quincy Democratic Caucus
can be found here in PDF format.
Visit the quincydems.com website for more information about
Quincy Democrats and the caucus.
Links to the 2018 Massachusetts Democratic Convention, to be held on June 1-2, 2018:
* Massachusetts Democratic State Party web page on the Convention
* Caucus rules, information, and forms
* 2018 State Convention Rules
* 2018 State Convention Add-On Application
* 2018 State Convention Fee Waiver Application
Please note this important requirement as stated in the Methods of Selecting Delegates:
20. No person who publicly supported and/or endorsed any candidate whose announced intention was/is to oppose a nominee of the Democratic Party, in the current or a previous partisan election may be nominated, elected or seated as a Delegate or Alternate. For previous support the period of time during which such person will be prohibited from participating as Delegate or Alternate is:
● For U. S. President and statewide offices: four years from the date of the election in question.
● For all other offices: two years from the date of the election in question.