Get involved to elect Democrats!

Ways to Get Involved

Our Quincy Dems elections chair, Mike Berry, outlined our plans for the November election. For more information on Quincy activities, including planned outreach for Sen. Elizabeth Warren's re-election campaign, please email Mike at

The best way to reach voters is to knock on doors. You can make a huge impact by volunteering in New Hampshire, our closest swing state. Their electoral votes, U.S. House seats, statewide offices, and state legislature are all up for grabs in November. See below for signup links.

If you can't make it up to New Hampshire, that's OK. You can still make a difference from your own home! Phone banking is the next best way to reach voters, not just in New Hampshire, but all across America. See below for links.

Links to sign up for canvassing

Canvass voters in Nashua, NH

Canvass voters in Manchester, NH

Sign up for other Democratic Party events in NH

Links to sign up for phone banking and voter protection

Call NH voters from your home via 4x/week phone banks

Call voters all across the U.S. from your home via daily phone banks

All Democratic Party events across the U.S.

Additional virtual organizing opportunities via Activate America

Sign up for Kamala's National Voter Protection Team

Digital resources

Online Training: Online Engagement, Part 1

Online Training: Using Discord

Online Training: Using Reach

Check your MA voter registration status

Donation links

Democratic National Committee

Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee

Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee

Harris for President

Massachusetts Democratic Party

Quincy Democratic City Committee