Our goal is to make 300 bagged lunches for the FBMS sites all over the South Shore. Because of the recent rise in COVID cases, we will not be holding the event completely in person, as originally planned. Instead, we’ll be asking volunteers to sign up and pledge a number of bagged lunches that they will be making on MLK Day. We’ll be holding a Zoom event so that everyone participating can see what each other are doing.
Families are encouraged to donate the supplies for their bagged lunches, following the guidance from Father Bill’s & MainSpring. For food safety, you should use gloves when making all bagged lunches. You can see the supplies needed here. However we know that might not be possible for all who want to volunteer. We will have bagged lunch supplies available for pick up from 10 am at the Koch Recreation Complex event room. This must be arranged in advanced.
We’ll be supplying Father Bill’s & MainSpring locations throughout Southern Massachusetts. They have informed us of which locations can accept bagged lunches on specified days and times. We’re looking for volunteers who would be able to help with picking up bagged lunches from homes on MLK day and to deliver bagged lunches on January 17, 18, and 19.
We're also fundraising donations to cover the cost of food and material for Quincy Dems-supplied lunches (any unused funds raised will be donated to FBMS): https://secure.actblue.com/donate/quincydemsmlk2022
If there is sufficient demand, we can do a spaced out in-person bagged lunch assembly at our pick-up and drop-off location. It is a large indoor space that could safely allow 10 participants at a time. However, you must have proof of vaccination and booster and wear a supplied KN95 mask at all times.
Our task sign-up form is here. Please email Melissa Schapero with more questions at melissa.schapero@gmail.com.