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Meet the Candidates Night / School Committee

  • Central Middle School 875 Hancock Street Quincy, MA, 02170 United States (map)

On Monday Oct. 16, 2017 at 6:30 p.m. the city-wide parent-teacher organization will hold a forum for the school committee election.  Location:  Central Middle School, 875 Hancock St., Quincy, MA 02170.  A 30-minute meet-and-greet session will follow.

The PTO organization requests that questions for the candidates be submitted in advance by emailing them to

There are three open school committee positions.  The six candidates running for those seats have been invited to attend the forum:  Anthony Andronico, Doug Gutro, David Jacobs, Emily Lebo, Geraldine Manning and Mark Sauter.

More information about the Democratic candidates running in the November 7, 2017 election can be found on the