Quincy Democratic City Committee

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Come participate in the election of new officers this Wednesday!

Quincy Democrats are re-organizing!  No, we’re not neatening our socks or straightening the canned goods.  We're electing new officers!  The election will be held at Quincy High School on Wednesday, April 11, 2018.  Doors open at 6:00 p.m. 

The guest speaker is Secretary of State William Galvin.  He will start the evening with a speech promptly at 6:30 p.m.  That will be followed by a ceremony to acknowledge those who have been an Elected Member for twenty or more years.  Thereafter, new members will be inducted and officer elections will take place.

Here’s some background on the structure of the Democratic party in Quincy.  Quincy has six wards.  Each ward has a Democratic Ward Committee, led by a Chair, Vice Chairs, Treasurer, and Secretary.  Each Committee has up to 35 Elected Members, and an unlimited number of Associate Members.  All members must be registered Democrats.

Elected Members are elected every four years.  Their names appear on the same primary ballot that Democrats select their candidate for President. The ward chairs typically identify candidates from their wards and complete the paperwork for the nominees to be placed on the ballot.  Here are the Elected Members who were elected in the March 2016 Presidential primary election

If a ward has a full 35 Elected Members, one can still become involved by becoming an Associate Member.  New Associate Members are added by vote of the Elected Members.  Contact your ward Chair and ask to become an Associate Member. 

If a vacancy occurs in the four years between the Presidential primary elections, or if a ward does not elect 35 members during the Presidential primary election, the opening is filled by vote of the ward’s Elected Members. Candidates are selected from the Associate Member list.

Within forty days of the Presidential primary election, the Elected Members are to meet and elect officers.  The officers are: Ward Chair, Vice-Chairs, Secretary, and Treasurer.  They serve two-year terms.

The two-year terms of the ward officers who were elected in 2016 are coming to an end.   All Quincy wards are holding elections for new officers on Wednesday, April 11, 2018 at Quincy High School.   The doors are open at 6:00 p.m.  The election starts at 6:30 p.m.

Before the officer elections, the Elected Members will vote to fill any vacant Elected Member positions, and to add new Associate Members.  If you are interested in becoming an Associate Member, Elected Member, or officer, please attend this meeting.  Please contact the ward chair with your interest.  Find out your ward here, and your ward chair here

Since Quincy is a city, it has wards.  If we were a town, we’d have one “town committee,” which would be the equivalent of a ward committee. As a city, we have a City Committee.  The role of the QDCC is to coordinate and assist the wards in their respective organizations.  The membership of the QDCC consists of the collective membership of the wards.

The QDCC has its own officers: Chair, Vice-Chairs, Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary, and Treasurer.  The two-year terms of those officers are the same two-year terms as the ward officers. On Wednesday, immediately after the ward officer elections, there will be an election for the QDCC officer positions.

See the official PDF announcement about the re-organization, including information about the 20-year rule, by clicking here. 
For more information about the election and becoming a member, click here.